The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO)

•  protects the public interest by regulating Ontario's medical laboratory technologists (MLT)
•  is the governing body for MLTs in Ontario
•  sets the standards for entry to practice to the MLT profession
•  investigates complaints about MLTs' professional conduct.

The CMLTO is operating virtually with the office located at 25 Adelaide Street East closed to the public until further notice. Click here for more information about contacting the CMLTO by email or postal mail.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare organizations have increasingly become targets of cyberattacks.
If you receive an email that appears to come from the CMLTO but seems suspicious, or if you are unsure about its legitimacy, please email [email protected] for clarification.

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iMIS Latest Executive Guide Shares Best-Practices to Help Fundraisers Improve Performance

iMIS, a leading global provider of software and services for associations and non-profits.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Tickets will be on sale beginning next week for the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.

Industry Certification and You

In an increasingly regulated world, professional certification ensures that you’re ready to meet the requirements of licensing, from local to state to national to international.

iMIS goes mobile

In today's increasingly mobile world it is imperative that your website is accessible from all devices. In this post we'll go over what we did to make our website work on all devices.

"Very interesting and exciting to share ideas with other members and see what other companies are doing"- Patricia Ballinger

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